Tuesday, May 1, 2012

La Fête du Muguet

                                                                        watercolor by  Linda Hampton Smith

"Il y a des pluies délicieuses où le ciel a l'air de pleurer de joie."    Paul-Jean Toulet

Here at home, it's raining a much needed rain.  The pink blossoms on our weeping crabapple trees hang heavy with diamond-like droplets.  Vivid green shoots poke out of a "dark-as-chocolate-cake" soil.  Un embarras of very wet richesses.

For you:  fragrant lily-of-the-vally wishes, un bouquet de muguet (a French May Day tradition that I love).

*With a special bouquet going to Blyden Jackson who has stepped into his new Life and who will forever remain in our hearts.